Wednesday, October 8, 2008

United States of Assassination

I am afraid my entry into the BLOGosphere scene is a little late.
My understanding of BLOGGING is as a communication tool to reach out into the ozone.

What I see as floating around in the news I read, are greater controls on the minds of millions of minions, just like me. We have our governments lying to us through their pundits and wagging-heads, while we send troops over to mass-murder defenseless people in the name of the fake flag waving, super patriot entities we celebrate as "democracy", when in many people's minds it is the Demagogery of the United States of Assassination", out for another imperialist pop-bottle drive, drag-netting to see what they can dredge-up to consume.

What Super-Patriot Americans call going on vacation, others call "Country Shopping"

Dont get me wrong, I dont throw all Americans in the tree-shredder with the Bush WhiteHouse types.

My first lesson in politics was JFK, then King, Vietnam, Panama, Falklands, all conquored in the name of national security or some other "good cause".

Some interesting documentary films I have seen and distributed on street-corners include :
911 Mysteries
Loose Change 2nd edition
In Plane site
Confronting the Evidence
(and my favorite by Frank Dorrel) What I learned about US Foriegn Policy

Possibley the most informative financial documentary I have seen was created by William T. Still.
Money Masters

More to come.

Peter Carson Vancouver CanaDUH

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